Mansfield Photography Stock Photos & Image Licensing: Standard or Extended Licenses available royalty-free for your next creative project. Use our search feature to find images. Here is a random sampling:
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Standard License
Unlimited Web Views
Use the asset in email marketing, mobile advertising, social media, or a broadcast program*
Can modify the asset*
Up to 500,000 copies or views of the asset
Asset CANNOT be used in merchandise, templates, or other products for resale
Asset CANNOT be used for AI modeling, training, or the like
Extended License
Unlimited Web Views
Use the asset in email marketing, mobile advertising, social media, or a broadcast program*
Can modify the asset*
More than 500,000 copies or views of the asset
Asset may be used in merchandise, templates, or other products for resale*
Asset may be used for AI modeling, training, or the like.